Giving Checkout – A New Online Tool by JustGiving
In the past year, more and more people have been going digital and JustGiving is addressing this by helping charities and supporters get a smoother user journey through its new online donation tool called Giving Checkout.
Why is this important to us?
Put quite simply, it’s a no-brainer! Giving Checkout is completely free to use for your direct donations (including regular gifts), so every donation makes an even bigger impact for us. Plus there’s no platform fees on JustGiving and, for Giving Checkout donations, they’ll cover the processing fee from a donor’s voluntary contribution if you do “tip” or absorb the cost if you don’t. Plus, donations can be made in five currencies via all major credit and debit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Pay with Bank Transfer. As an HMRC approved Gift agent JustGiving can boost all eligible donations by 25% (though a 5% fee does apply for this service).
What to do next?
If you see a JustGiving ‘Donate Now’ button, please click it!
Thanking you, as always!