What We Do
Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary provides lifetime help and care for horses, ponies, donkeys, goats, sheep and cats, that are victims of physical and mental abuse, be it as a result of ignorance or malicious intent. The animals are our prime concern and are treated with the utmost respect. Animals are never euthanised for reasons of age or infirmity alone. Nothing is spared to give them every chance to thrive into old age. Our mission is to provide them with an environment where they are safe and, after a lifetime of doing their best for mankind, or being abused by mankind – that they now have a life built around them giving them all they need and asking nothing of them.
This is their time.
Our work at the Sanctuary is often very similar to a hospice situation, giving these animals, most of which are survivors of the most horrendous cruelty at the hands of mankind, the very best of care, allowing the younger ones to get over their abuse and develop into happy adults, or for the older ones to spend their twilight years doing as they wish. Nothing is asked of any of them.
They are fed, watered, cared for and loved. They receive regular veterinary and farrier attention as required, and the benefit of holistic therapies, many of our animals are very much an older population, with many of the equines being between 30 and 45 years. These old horses are in excellent condition, happy, pain free with a good quality of life – for some of them for the first time in their lives. It takes a lot of hard work, money and effort to keep old and sick animals in such good condition, but this is our stated mission.
Remus Horse Sanctuary is funded totally by public donations and our own fundraising and event activities.
To care for the animals on site, we have a staff of fifteen, who work hard to make sure that the animals care is of the highest quality that we can possibly achieve and that they, the animals, want for nothing. Added to our staff we have a wonderful band of enthusiastic volunteers, young and not so young, all essential for the daily running of Remus Horse Sanctuary. Their seemingly tireless efforts doing every type of work imaginable makes such a huge difference to the Sanctuary and its animals.
The Sanctuary is gaining much credence as a unit specialising in the care of veteran horses. We advise owners of older horses in all aspects of their care. As many of our Horses are very elderly yet are well and happy, pain free and able to go out daily we feel this is a role that we are well placed to carry out, and to this end we launched our Elderly Horse Campaign, holding seminars and workshops for horse owners to make them aware of just how much they can do for their animals to help them to thrive in old age.
The Sanctuary embraces holistic care alongside the superb work of our species-specific vets. We have a solarium to help the older horses, ponies and donkeys and a Laminitic Barn equipped to help the laminitic and Cushingoid ponies – which consists of a special wood chip flooring, daylight bulbs to help boost the immune system and deep cushioned stables all with rubber matting below the bedding. We also have various woodchip paddocks which really are the difference between life and death for the laminitic horses and means that can get out and play with their friends and feel the sun on their backs. You might like to view our ‘Holistic Care‘ page for more information.
Obviously all of this work costs a great deal of money and we do have a wonderful volunteer fundraising team who organise stalls, give talks, run quiz nights, and summer and Christmas fairs.
Open Days are held on the first Sunday of the month from May to October – these are very busy days and great fun, and are an important part of our fundraising. We also have a successful Membership and Sponsorship Scheme. It costs in excess of £400,000 to run the Sanctuary per year – so we are always looking to raise money to continue to provide this care.
Please do continue to browse the website and learn about Remus and our work, our animals and the many other facets of life in a busy animal sanctuary. We hope that you enjoy our website and will like what you see enough to come and visit us.
Please visit our ‘How You Can Help‘ page to see how you can help our fundraising efforts.