How You Can Help

With so many options to choose from, the top three things that you could do for us right now, would be to:

Make a donation: big or small, every little helps, especially if it’s a regular contribution. You can do this by making a financial donation, by sponsoring an animal, or by becoming a member.

Visit the Sanctuary: we are open on the first Sunday of each month from May until October, from 1pm to 4pm, come and find out what we do. Please pre-book your tickets online.

Leave us a Gift in your Will: if you already have a Will, please contact your Solicitor to add a bequest to Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary. If you don’t have a Will, please create one with the FreeWills scheme, of which we are a member.

#BornToDie Campaign

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Donate to Remus

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Sponsorship Programme

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Membership Programme

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FREE Wills

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Remus Sunday Young Volunteers Jan 2017

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Two women planting a hedge

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Leftover Currency


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50 Club

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100 Club

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Recycling for Good Causes


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Clothes Recycling


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Ink Recycling

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Gift Aid

Gift Aid

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Join Our Lobby Group

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Report Cruelty

Report Cruelty

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Join Our Welfare Watch

Join Our Welfare Watch

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Give As You Live

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Clothes & Goods Recycling


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Remember a Loved One

Remember a Loved One

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Amazon Wishlist

Amazon Wishlist

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Cards for Causes

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Visit Our Online Shop

Visit Our Online Shop

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Just Giving Direct Debit

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Essex Lottery

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Wills & Legacies

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Give As You Live

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Latest Appeal

Remus Cry for Help
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