Volunteers don’t get paid.
Not because they are worthless.
Because they are priceless!!
Sign-up to volunteer with Remus by completing an online application form.
You can view our current vacancies for adult volunteer and paid roles here.
Have you considered volunteering? We are always looking for volunteers to join our existing dedicated team, there are so many ways you can help, we have a job for everyone, in the office, helping with the animals, maintenance, cleaning, you name it we need help with it, all it needs is for you to want to help, be able to spare a few hours and be flexible and happy to work with a team.
If you are interested in volunteering please print off the forms below and return to the Sanctuary. We will then let you know when the next Volunteer Induction is planned, which allows us to tell you about the Sanctuary, go through the relevant Health & Safety details and gives you chance to meet other prospective volunteers. After the Induction, volunteers are normally able to start at the first available date that they can make.
We can accept volunteers from the age of 11 up to any age. At present our volunteers span from 11 to over 80 years!! Every volunteer has a useful role at Remus, safe in the knowledge that whether you are in the office, doing maintenance, fundraising or mucking out you are all directly helping the animals here. An additional bonus is that many lovely friendships are made between the volunteers and it is always pleasing to hear the volunteers refer to Remus as like being part of an ‘extended family’. To apply please complete the two adults forms or the child form and return it to the Sanctuary either by email or post.
Please note that due to the demand from youngsters to help at the Sanctuary we have a very long waiting list and it can be quite a lengthy process to get children on the Young Volunteer Scheme.
During the summer months we are desperately looking for people to help on the Open Day weekends – to help set up and prepare on Saturday, to man stalls and help out on the day and to help take down on Sunday evening and clear on the Monday morning. If you can help at all over the weekend we could certainly use the help – we don’t need you all weekend just on one of the shifts if possible.
If you can help in any way, please do contact the Sanctuary. Volunteers are always needed at Remus to undertake a variety of tasks including office work, working with the animals, organising events, odd jobs, fencing, promotions and plenty more!
If after reading the above you don’t feel you have enough time to support Remus regularly, please take a look at our Microvolunteering opportunities. From 2 minutes to 2 hours, we’ve something to suit everyone.
Download the relevant form from our useful downloads section.