Would you like to help us but don’t think you have the time – you can, if you become a microvolunteer!
Have you got a minute to microvolunteer for Remus?
We understand that everyone leads busy lives, and with work and family commitments, it is hard to promise us a regular chunk of your time to help out or commit to training. But as a microvolunteer you can help us as little or as much as you like.
What is a microvolunteer?
The idea behind microvolunteering is that lots of us do a little bit and it adds up to something that makes a big difference.
You have probably already taken part in microvolunteering without even thinking about it – maybe you have signed an online petition, or retweeted a charity’s message.
Microvolunteering doesn’t only happen in the virtual world. Perhaps you have done half an hour of gardening for an elderly neighbour, picked up some shopping, or helped on a stall at a fete for an hour or so.
Who can be a microvolunteer?
Everyone! The joy of microvolunteering is that there’s a variety of small jobs that can really help us here at Remus- and they can be done whatever your situation. You might only have a small window of time, you may have mobility issues or even be housebound – we can still find something for you to do that can be a big help to us.
How long have you got?
Whether it’s a couple of minutes, an hour or so, or even a weekend, there are so many ways to help Remus Horse Sanctuary. Below we have listed some ideas for 2 minutes, 5 minutes or 2 hours of your time – you’ll probably think up lots more!
Two minutes
Be a social star
Follow us on social media. Following us across our social media accounts will help Remus to raise awareness and get our message out to more people. If you can share posts and Tweets, you can help us get our story out to more and more people every day.
Please take a couple of minutes to follow us on each account. Thank you!
Five minutes
Be a savvy shopper
Do a bit of online shopping for our animals – a bucket of food, cabbages, or hay for the week.
Buy a gift
Choose something for a friend – or treat yourself – from our gift shop or choose from our selection of Remus-branded gifts.
Sponsor one of our animals
From only £2 a month, you could sponsor our old lady Candy, her best friend Coco or even Pepper, our lovely cat, who we saved from being put down. We look after lots of deserving animals who need your help.
Think of us when you shop
With the Amazon Smile scheme, Remus gets a donation every time you shop on Amazon. It’s easy – simply sign up here and the rest is done for you, all you need to do is go shopping!
Alternatively shop with Give as you Live Online where the shop makes a donation to us on your behalf. Its totally free both to register and to shop.
Two hours
Be a community champion
Join our community of microvolunteers. With a couple of hours of spare time, you could do so much to help us.
We’d love you to come along and help at one of our events. Just for a couple of hours, we won’t make you stay all day! Please complete an adult application form and either post (address at the bottom of this page) or email it to: office@remussanctuary.org.
What about street collecting? It’s a great way of meeting people and raising awareness of what we do and generates a surprising amount of money.
Or come along to one of our events – like our special fundraising curry lunch – great food, great fun, and a good cause!
Be a weekend warrior
If you can spend a bit more time, there are so many ways you could help. Are you a keen runner? You could take part in a sponsored event – a fun run, or challenge event – and raise funds for Remus.
You could come and help us set up for one of our Open Days.
Or you could take part in some on-site maintenance. There’s always something that needs doing here and many hands make light work.
Whatever it is, we’d love to hear what you could do to help us – do get in touch!
Postal address: Remus Horse Sanctuary, Little Farm, Buttsbury, Nr Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9NZ
Email: info@remussanctuary.org
Tel: 01277 356191