Remember a Loved One
It’s always hard in life when we lose a loved one, be it a much loved relative or a much loved pet.
You can view or download our ‘In Memory’ booklet here.
Why not remember your loved one and help the animals at Remus Horse Sanctuary at the same time?
You can remember your loved one and donate to the Sanctuary in many ways:
- Donations instead of flowers – a popular alternative nowadays at funerals and remembrance services. We can supply donation envelopes and/or collection tins or buckets as you prefer.
- Hedgerow of remembrance – we have planted 1000 hawthorn bushes at the Sanctuary to create a Hedgerow of Remembrance, and your loved one could become part of that. Find out more here.
- Buy a plaque – we now use Welsh Slate for our plaques due to its durability. Commemorative slates can be purchased for £60 with the wording ‘In Loving Memory of {and then the name of your loved one}. The slates are 10×6 inches with two screw holes. You can purchase them for use at home or to erect in our Memorial Garden at the Sanctuary. To order a plaque, contact us on tel: 01277 356191 or send us an email to
- Buy a bench – for just £450, you can buy a memorial bench for placement in one of the walkways around our paddocks, with a small plaque featuring your loved one’s name and the words ‘In Loving Memory’. To order a bench, contact us on tel: 01277 356191 or send us an email to
- Open an ‘In Memory’ Account – continue to remember your loved one on their birthday, at Christmas or perhaps a special anniversary. You can do this by creating an account in their name to raise funds for the Sanctuary, for one of our animals or for a particular appeal and we would ask that you contribute a minimum of £45 to the account per annum. If you wish, we will create a page on our website ‘with thanks and in memory’, with information and photographs.
As we’re sure you’ll appreciate, in order to keep the land as natural as possible, we are unable to erect signs on or around the trees.
To find out more please contact us on telephone: 01277 356191 or send us an email to: