Remember a Charity
Every year, more and more people are leaving a gift to charity in their Will. Because of the generosity of people like you, we can continue our vital work – and even a small amount can make a big difference. That’s why we’re taking part in Remember A Charity in your Will Week, from 10 – 16 September 2018.
Gifts left to charity in Wills are a crucial source of income and help fund key services, including the rescue and rehabilitation of horses provided by Remus Horse Sanctuary.
During Remember a Charity in your Will Week, we will be joining forces with 200 other charities up and down the UK to launch Human – the world’s first charity-powered search engine.
The activity is part of Remember A Charity Week, 10-16 September, which sees hundreds of charities come together to encourage people to leave charitable gifts in Wills and, by doing so, pass on something wonderful to the next generation.
This year, we’re coming together with our supporters to tackle some of life’s biggest questions, such as: “How can we protect more horses from neglect in the UK?” Please take a minute to discover how you can help answer these questions and pass on something wonderful…just click on the link below:
You can also return to our main Wills & Legacies page to find out more about how to leave a donation to Remus in your Will, including a discount on the Will-writing service.