Keep calm its November the 5th

While lots of us, especially those with children, look forward to November the 5th and firework displays, for animals it can be a really stressful time of year!

At Remus Horse Sanctuary we recommend you follow this advice:

  • Horse owners should find out dates of local firework displays so that they can be prepared.
  • Let the organisers and neighbours know that there are horses nearby so they can set off fireworks away from the animals.
  • Horses usually kept in a field may be happiest staying there with their companions, but do make sure the fence is secure in case they bolt, and there are no objects on which they could hurt themselves.
  • For horses in stables, check for anything that could harm them if they become stressed, such as protruding nails or loose boards, and play music to mask the sound of the fireworks.

There are more excellent tips for horse owners here.

Of course, cats, dogs and other pets also need to be kept safe at this time of year. For more advice on keeping pets safe and happy over Bonfire Night, check out this article.

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