Milo Pony Urgent Appeal
It was a sad day when the horsebox drove onto the Sanctuary yard a few weeks ago and two bedraggled little ponies were brought off.
Both these ponies are horrendously thin and in such a pitiful state. Toffee is a small Welsh pony; she is very skinny and has a thick Cushingoid coat. (Cushings’ Disease is an endocrine disease that affects the pituitary gland at the base of the spine and causes among other things headaches, laminitis and low immunity). She has sores under her coat, is crawling with lice and has a belly full of worms.
Milo, is a tiny little grey falabella pony [pictured], who only just comes up to my knee. When he arrived he was so weak that our vet said “I don’t know how he has the strength to hold himself up”. Milo is emaciated. His teeth are so infected that you can smell him before you get to his stable. Added to this he has a huge sinus infection and severe liver issues, is riddled with arthritis and, like Toffee has Cushings’ Disease, lice and worms.
To be honest we weren’t sure where to start with little Milo when he arrived. Even now we don’t know if he will pull through. One eye has died and the other is so infected and sore that he keeps it clasped close. It is hard not to cry when you look at this dear little pony who has never done anything wrong in his life yet his whole body has been abused and is so infected and sore. When he came in he didn’t know what to do with himself and just stood with his head in the corner of the stable – resigned to his fate.
Whilst financially things are hard we absolutely could not turn our back on these two ponies, indeed the RSPCA who asked us to take them were in agreement with their vet that the condition of these ponies was so bad they should be put to sleep. The vet however then recommended that Remus could give them a chance. We believe can give them care and love and comfort and that they deserve a chance to learn that there is love and caring in this world. So many animals (and indeed humans) come into this world and leave it never knowing any kindness or softness. At least Milo and Toffee will know it!
Both ponies are quite old, in their late 20’s but already over the last few weeks we are slowly starting to see an improvement, but they need so much more work. Milo needs an operation on his teeth and specialist eye drops. To have to get their weight on, but slowly and safely, they are being fed hourly. Even now we don’t know if little Milo will pull through but we certainly want to give him every chance possible and already, despite only a few weeks at Remus we are starting to see their characters emerge and Milo now feels safe enough to come out from the corner. With specialist eye drops his sore eye is now open. He has antibiotics and pain relief for his mouth and he just loves someone sitting with him and gently stroking and soothing his face.
I find it hard to believe that people can still do this to such innocent animals and every time you see them it tears you apart that they should have suffered as they have. Toffee and Milo are just two of the many thousands of horses and ponies out there suffering daily and these two are the lucky ones who have found sanctuary and some help.
Please help us to help Milo – we need to raise £5,000 for his care including his operation on his mouth and sinuses, a visit from specialised ophthalmologists to see if they can help his eye and of course the ongoing care of food, warmth, medications etc.
If you can help Milo this Christmas by giving us the chance to give him a chance of life we would all be so grateful, If you can make a donation towards the Milo Appeal please do so by:
Sending a cheque to the Sanctuary or telephoning to make a donation by credit card.
On behalf of both Milo and Toffee I thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for any help you may be able to offer this little pony.