Rain, rain go away
It might be August, but that hasn’t stopped the heavy rain showers and fluctuating temperatures we’ve been experiencing so far this month! If you’ve been pulling your hair out not knowing whether to put a fly sheet or a lightweight rug on your horse in the mornings, you’re not alone!
Unfortunately, our horses can be at risk of rain scald when the weather is so wet. Although it’s usually more common in the winter months, this common skin disease thrives in periods of wet weather with warm temperatures and high humidity – a lot like we’ve been experiencing recently!
It’s caused by the same bacteria that causes mud fever on legs. The bacteria originates in the soil and can be passed from horse to horse by flies, or by sharing rugs and grooming equipment. It does well in warm environments, so on horses with long coats and who aren’t regularly groomed, much like many of those we see come into us here at Remus.
Something else you may not know about rain scald is that lighter coloured equines, including palominos, greys and coloureds, are more at risk, as well as young and old horses whose immune systems are not fully functioning.
Find out more, how to spot it and how to treat it, in this article from Horse & Rider magazine: www.horseandrideruk.com/expert-advice/articles/rain-scald
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