Remus Horse Sanctuary Response to the Autumn Budget 2024
An update from our founder, Sue Burton, following yesterday’s Budget announcements:
“We are massively concerned about the impact of the Labour budget.
“Already things were tough and we are barely keeping our heads above water. Everyone’s costs are going up therefore we are seeing the knock-on effect in that our costs are rising also, and our donations dropping as people cope with less money in their pockets.
“With yet another increase in minimum pay and a hefty hike in National Insurance we are at our wits end as to how we will raise the money to cover this when our income is spiralling downwards. We can’t pass any costs on as we are not a business.
“The Chancellor has not considered the impact on small Sanctuaries that are running on a small income. We have over 150 animals here all of which have been rescued and all of which still need food, bedding, care and vets’ appointments which we can’t take away from them. Due to the economic situation, we are finding many more welfare cases and these all need dealing with as well.
“More work. More costs and less money in – it just doesn’t add up.”
If you are able, please make a contribution towards our escalating costs. And, as we always say, every little counts!
If you would prefer to donate over the telephone or via post, please contact the office on tel: 01277 356191, or make your cheques payable to Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary and send to: Little Farm, Buttsbury, Near Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 9NZ.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Postscript 1 November 2024: The NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations) has today circulated an open letter to the Chancellor, calling on her to take urgent action regarding the increased employer National Insurance contributions for charities, estimated to cost an increased £1.4b a year. By adding your name to that letter, you’ll help us make it clear how important this issue is. The more names, the more people will listen. Please sign and share the letter: www.ncvo.org.uk/news-and-insights/news-index/open-letter-chancellor-national-insurance/#add-your-signature.