Snug as a bug?

There has been a lot of talk and debate online over the last few months about rugging our horses. Some think horses should be kept naturally while others wouldn’t dream of not using a rug, but for many owners it causes a daily headache and unwanted addiction to our preferred weather app! The general consensus is that we will do what is best for our own horses, but do we fully consider all of the contributing factors?

With milder winters (last year’s Beast from the East excluded!) and different daily routines for different horses, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach and the old temptation to dig out the heavyweight in December and leave him in it until March will not do!

This article from Horse & Hound helpfully sets out all the main points that owners need to consider. It suggests that “most horses will not need rugging until temperatures dip to 5-10°C.” Of course, older horses like we have here at Remus may need rugging sooner to help them keep warm, while those suffering from conditions such as Cushings will get too hot in the lightest of rugs due to their very thick coats.

Whilst we’re talking about keeping horses warm, please do take a look at our Winter Feed Appeal. Your support would be greatly appreciated!

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