Natural Goodness

Now’s the time that Rose Hips, Hawthorn and Sloes are ready for picking from the hedgerows and they are so good for the animals.

Please note that there are two types of rose hip – round ones and elongated ones – its the elongated ones in the photo that the horses can eat.

If you’re walking or driving in the countryside and see lots and you are local or are coming to Remus for an event, please do pick some for the horses and other Remus animals – but don’t clear the bush, leave some for the birds! They are packed full of goodness. Additionally if you’re cutting back your hawthorn bush in your garden then our animals would love the leaves and branches!Feral and semi-feral ponies roaming free can help themselves to this natural bounty, including self-medicating on things like rose hips. At Remus, we need to provide this to our animals and berries and herbs will help lessen the effects of many ailments including the likes of arthritis and skin problems.

If you have any questions on the benefits of herbs or berries, please contact the office on tel: 01277 356191 or email

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