The Best Things about Riding in Winter
The nights are dark and it’s cold and damp – but never fear, there are plenty of things to love about being a horse owner in winter!
It may be hard to get yourself up and out when it’s colder and dark, but there’s an upside to making the effort. Winter mornings can be crisp and fresh, so get to the yard and get all the jobs done early and you might be able to squeeze in a ride before you have to be at your desk – it makes a great way to start off the weekend, too.
And daytime/evening rides can be more fun too. Summer riding is lovely, but often you both end up feeling hot and sweaty and bothered by flies. Plan ahead, check the weather and make the most of the good riding conditions ahead.
If you’re a competition rider, there may be fewer events, so make the most of the ones that are happening – and look out for a host of training opportunities including clinics, demos and trainer lessons.
Finally, if you’re finding yourself with more time on your hands, take the opportunity to get to all those jobs that get neglected when you’re busy riding. Tack and feed rooms can benefit from a clearout at this time of year – rope in some friends to make it more fun!
For more benefits of winter riding head to:
If you haven’t already done so, please check out our appeal to help raise funds to replace our perimeter fencing.
By the way, you might like to note that this year we’re celebrating our 40 year anniversary! More on that to follow in due course.