The dreaded ‘L’ word

It’s a word that can strike fear in every horse owner – laminitis. We’ve enjoyed a lovely spring and early summer so far, but this seemingly constant threat to our horses’ and ponies’ health can be stressful. Many of us are in tune to the slightest niggle, off colour expression or uncharacteristic behaviour, but laminitis can manifest itself in many different ways, so it’s important that we arm ourselves with as much information and knowledge as possible!

We have experienced our fair share of laminitis cases here at Remus, but in the last few years we’ve successfully put steps in place to prevent and/or manage the condition for our residents. We have: big shavings paddocks as an alternative to them being at grass if required; a ‘no sugar’ policy on the yard; our own weighbridge to keep on top of their weight; and holistic care including aromatherapy, reiki and shiatsu to reduce stress (which can also be a trigger) and help our residents cope with any problems they have.

Every horse and pony’s needs will be different, but there are lots of resources online to help you out. This article from Horse & Rider is a great starting point: or why not refer to our own 4 page feature in Horse Magazine here.

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