What’s going on at the Sanctuary?
So far this year we have been exceptionally busy rescuing horses from across the country as well as campaigning to get horse welfare acts changed nationally and local Authorities to act on a local level. There has also been a lot happening at the sanctuary that we’re just itching to tell you about.
At the beginning of the year we had a big problem with the Mardyke horses. Many of you will have seen these horses under the roundabout as you go to Lakeside or Bluewater. The land that they were grazing was extremely flooded and they were at great risk of getting stuck in the mud or drowning (something that we have seen many times over the years on this site). Thankfully we had a lot of support from the media and those who signed our petition that we put online. It took long enough but the councils eventually accepted their responsibility and banned any horses from grazing on the Mardyke plains with immediate effect and in future years the land is not to be grazed from November to March . A big thank you to everyone that supported us and helped these horses
There is still a lot of work to be done to help horses in similar or worse conditions so please look and take a read at our new facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Year-of-the-Horse-Year-of-the-Horse-Welfare-Crisis/1431751207068360?ref=hl
The horses at Remus are all doing well including Pippa who is loving her new life with sight following cataract surgery. Gracie and Holly our two pregnant mares are doing well. The recent sunshine is making a huge difference to them after such a wet weather
We have plenty of upcoming events around the county, starting with our spring fair on the 15th March in the Billericay Reading Rooms, in the High street. . Come along and pick up a bargain, you never know what you might find. On the 26th some of the Remus Ponies are going to be in the George Yard shopping area in Braintree. Please come along and show your support and meet some of our ponies.
Our first open day this year is taking place on the 4th May at the Sanctuary, and we’re praying for some sunshine for then! We’re lucky enough to have the Midnite Blu again singing for us, so please come along and see some of the animals and listen to the wonderful performance. Also this May we have Basil Fawlty (John Cleese lookalike) joining us – should make for an interesting afternoon Sybil!!!
This week we’re writing a small piece on Guinness, our lovely Shire Horse.
Guinness came to us when she was due to be put to sleep in a divorce dispute; shocking, we know. Luckily we managed to save her from certain death.
Guinness has such a lovely nature and she is a very popular addition to the horses we have here. If you want to find out more about Guinness or follow her progress you can sponsor her for just £25 a year. For £25 you will get a photograph of her, a certificate and history of Guinness, an invite to the sanctuary to see Guinness, a Remus pen, car sticker and two updates a year on how she is getting on, all for just £25!
For more information about what’s happening at the sanctuary, click through to visit our website!