Animal Communication

Animals are masters at communication. They use sound, body language, scent and telepathy to communicate to other animals but also to us too. They also experience a wide range of emotions from fear through to love and excitement.

When we have animals in our life, we spend so much time wanting the best for them and wondering what they are thinking and feeling. But,  we are all capable of listening AND understanding what our animal friends are saying – you just have to want to try.   As people, we are often lazy about communicating and rely on people telling us when they are fed up or unhappy. With animals we have to work harder to understand how they feel.

On this introductory workshop we will be focusing on animal emotions and how to pick up on them and interpret them. We will look at the differences between picking up emotions and messages from animals just by looking at a photograph, as well as an opportunity to work with some of the amazing animals at Remus. You will also get the opportunity to bring photos of your pets and get to understand more about them during group work. We will also talk about how animals deal with their emotions and how we can help them to release and move on from any experiences that are troubling them.

You dont need any experience to attend the workshop – if you love animals, you CAN communicate with them!

Book your place for our introductory workshop on Animal Communication with Reiki Master Clair Missen here. The workshop takes place on Saturday 14 November and places are limited. If you have any queries, do give us a call on tel: 01277 356191 or drop us an email to

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