Pass On Something Wonderful
How can we protect more horses from neglect in the UK?
This week Remus is joining forces with 200 other charities up and down the UK to launch Human – the world’s first charity-powered search engine.
The activity is part of Remember A Charity Week, 10-16 September, which sees hundreds of charities come together to encourage people to leave charitable gifts in Wills and, by doing so, pass on something wonderful to the next generation.
Drawing upon Remus’ unique knowledge and expertise in horse welfare and combining it with insight from other charities, Human will enable the public to ask some of life’s biggest questions and to hear directly from charities, including Remus Horse Sanctuary, what they are doing in response.
This Remember A Charity in your Will Week we’re inviting our valued supporters to help us find the answers to life’s biggest questions and pass on something wonderful.
Through the search engine, people can select from over 100 questions such as: ‘How can we cure the deadliest common cancers?’ and ‘How do we ensure no one has to sleep rough?’ and see video responses showing how charities address these issues and how the public can help, by leaving a gift in their Will. Remus Horse Sanctuary has contributed to the search engine by providing responses to the question: “How can we protect more horses from neglect in the UK?”.
Gifts left to charity in Wills are a crucial source of income and help fund key services, including the rescue and rehabilitation of horses provided by Remus. We rely on charitable legacies from supporters like you. Once you’ve taken care of family, friends and loved ones, you can help us to continue our vital work long into the future by leaving a gift in your Will. Even a small gift could make a big difference.
Sue Burton, Founder, commented: “Our mission is to protect more horses from neglect in the UK. We do this by rescuing animals, lobbying and campaigning, and by educating and informing the public and we are delighted to bring our charity’s mission to life via the innovative human search engine and help shine a light on how important a gift in Wills can be.”
“Like others, gifts in Wills are crucial to our charity’s work – both now and long into the future. Leaving even a small amount – after taking care of friends and family first – makes an enormous difference.”
Rob Cope, Director of Remember A Charity, says: “Every day people use Google to find the answers to their questions, but it’s real people and charities we turn to when we want answers to life’s biggest challenges.
“This campaign has been designed to showcase just how vital charities are in responding to many of the world’s biggest problems and how gifts in wills can help combat those issues and we’re delighted that Remus Horse Sanctuary is taking part. We hope it will encourage the public to think about their deepest concerns for the world we live in and to consider leaving a gift in their will.”
Remember A Charity Week, now in its ninth year, brings together charities, government and stakeholders to highlight the importance of leaving gifts to charity in Wills. The search engine is part of a broader public awareness drive, which showcases the impact of legacy donations and calls on the public to ‘pass on something wonderful’.
To find out more about Human and how Remus Horse Sanctuary is helping to tackle the world’s biggest challenges this Remember a Charity Week, visit humansearchengine.org
Thank you for your continued support!