Celebrating 40 Years
2023 marks the Sanctuary’s 40th Birthday, which is an absolutely amazing achievement especially given all the setbacks and issues that we have faced over those years. We are proud to have done so much good work and touched, helped and saved so many horses, ponies, donkeys and other animals over the years but we could not have done it without you and your help and support. Thank you so much for all that you do and have done for Remus over the years, and to our staff and volunteers, our vets and suppliers, and the Holistic Team and Physiotherapists who all come together to do the very best that we can for as many needy animals as we can.
“Wherever man has left his footprints in the long ascent from barbarism to civilization, we find the hoofprints of a horse beside it!”
It’s been a busy winter at Remus. You’ll remember that in the summer we had no grass due to the heatwave – the paddocks turned to scrub and dust! Then in October and November it was so mild that the grass just kept growing and growing, so we experienced (and saw) a lot of laminitic cases at a time of year when you would not expect it. Since then, we’ve seen flooding and freezing, and snow, and more flooding. And freezing. Which is why we have just launched our winter hay appeal. Please will you help us?
There are lots of other ways you can help us too: are you able to get one new member signed up; get some of our leaflets out; organise a fundraising event for us; ask your local shop about taking one of our collection tins? The winter is a particularly difficult time for us at the best of times, but in the present economic climate, that of course, becomes much more difficult – so please if you can support Remus in any way it would be such a tremendous help.
Please do get in touch if you can make a donation towards the winter appeal – you can do so online or by calling the office to make a donation over the telephone, or by sending a cheque. It is so rewarding at the end of a working day to walk around the Sanctuary and see all the animals happy, contented and eating, and relaxed, and to know that they are all safe for life and will never have to fear hunger, pain or suffering again. YOUR help makes this possible.
Click to learn more and donate to our Winter Hay Appeal.
Please Donate your Unwanted Gifts to Remus
We’re urging people to donate their unwanted Christmas presents to the charity!
We all receive the odd gift that we don’t like or wouldn’t buy for ourselves, but rather than throwing these presents away or sticking them in a drawer, you could help Remus to rescue and rehabilitate more horses and other animals across Southern England.
An unwanted Christmas present will be a delight to someone else, and we can make good use of the unwanted gifts at our sales, fundraising events, raffles and tombolas throughout the year.
Additionally, any other items in a good saleable condition can also be sold, such as clothing and bric-a-brac.
Research from WhatWeWant last month revealed that over half (53%) of UK adults have received unwanted gifts over the past 12 months. And while some are resourceful enough to regift the ill-fated presents or take them to a charity shop, one in five (20%) are guilty of binning the gifts without using them! And, as we say, we can make very good use of them.
So, don’t bin your unwanted present, donate it to Remus instead!
Drop-offs can be made to the Sanctuary near Ingatestone between 10am and 4pm, any day of the week, throughout January. You can find confirmation of our address (and directions) on our website here.
Please Donate Your Unwanted Presents to a Good Cause
Sue Burton, Founder of Remus Horse Sanctuary, is urging people to donate their unwanted Christmas presents to the charity. Drop-offs can be made to the Sanctuary near Ingatestone between 10am and 2pm, any day of the week, throughout January.
An unwanted Christmas present will be a delight to someone else, and Remus Horse Sanctuary can make good use of the unwanted gifts at their sales, fundraising events, raffles and tombolas throughout the year. Additionally, any other items in a good saleable condition can also be dropped off at the Sanctuary during January.
Unwanted gift cards can be exchanged with ‘Give a Gift’ introduced in 2016. Give a Gift help turn £1 billion of wasted gift cards into donations for charities, such as Remus Horse Sanctuary. An unwanted gift card can be exchanged for one you really want and do some good at the same time, by donating a percentage of the unused gift card to Remus and swapping the rest for a new gift card of your choice. Find out more via the Remus website here: https://www.remussanctuary.org/how-to-make-best-use-of-gift-cards/.
A pre-Christmas poll by a leading children’s charity revealed that almost 250,000 people across five London boroughs were likely to “dismiss unsuitable gifts this year and would throw them away”. Whilst a YouGov survey identified that the least desirable presents were ‘selfie sticks’, musical socks, bathroom scales and animal slippers! Many people will face issues trying to return items at full price with little chance of a similar exchange with mixed stock available, not to mention the lengthy queues! Furthermore, Royal Mail were predicting that on what it calls Take-back Tuesday there would be a rise of more than 50% in returns against December’s daily average. Remus Horse Sanctuary offers a viable alternative.
Remus’ Founder Sue Burton says, “We all receive the odd gift that we don’t like or wouldn’t buy for ourselves. But rather than throwing these presents away or sticking them in a drawer, you can help Remus to rescue and rehabilitate more horses and other animals across Southern England”.
For confirmation of the address and directions, click here or contact Sue Burton on tel: 01277 356191.