Go on, give us a smile!
Does your horse or pony love a good fuss?
We take enrichment very seriously at Remus – it’s all about enhancing an animal’s physical, social and mental environment. One way we do this is through holistic therapies, such as Aromatherapy, Shiatsu, Reiki and Bach flower remedies, which all of the horses love.
But there is also a much simpler way to enrich our horses’ lives, without the need for training or specialists… grooming! A recent study in France has found that horses prefer gentle stroking and attention, compared to a standard, all over groom. The researchers found that they enjoy it so much it actually makes them ‘smile’. The facial expressions they produce are thought to be a ‘more sensitive’ reflection of how they are feeling than their behaviour is.
We spend time with our horses every day by stroking, talking and just interacting with them on a one-to-one basis. Gentle grooming is great for circulation and relaxation – and they just love it.
You can ready more about the study in this article from Horse & Hound.
The Power of Purple
Is there a more beautiful sight than the calming mauves and lilacs of a lavender field? We’re probably all familiar with the concept of popping a piece of lavender under our pillow at night to help us sleep, but did you know that it could also help to relax our horses?
Researchers in America have recently discovered that a whiff of lavender could help to soothe them. They found that the horses’ heart rate variability reduced after inhaling the scent from a diffuser of lavender oil, which was held under their noses while they stood out in the paddock.
Whether or not we have a stressy horse, it’s always nice to know that a natural remedy can help if we need it. While there are plenty of different products on the market, we’re proud here at Remus to be one of the few sanctuaries to embrace holistic care and therapies as part of our ethos. We use holistic therapies alongside the professional care that our vets give all of our residents, including aromatherapy, shiatsu, reiki, Bach flower remedies and self-selection herbs.
You can read about the full study in America on the Horse & Hound website here.
You can learn more about our holistic care, enrichment programme and conservation on our website.
You can buy a bag of natural hedgerow herb treats or a session with one of our complimentary therapists for one of our animals via our online shop here.