How are we Repaying the Loyalty of Horses?

The National Theatre’s wonderful touring production of Michael Morpurgo’s War Horse is back on tour, and is a stark reminder that despite all that horses have done for us – whether at war, in work, or as companions – people continue to fail them.

A fascinating interview with Belinda Day, the Senior Curator of the National Army Museum, reveals that while we may have the impression that animals were badly treated during wartime conditions, they were in fact cared for better than the men, in many cases.

Belinda tells Everything Horse magazine: “Horses would be given hay before breakfast at about 6am. If they were on a march, they may travel 20 to 25 miles in walk, with soldiers encouraged to jump off and walk alongside their horses at intervals. Every time there was a stop on the march, the horses would be encouraged to graze in order to stretch their rations further, and their saddles would be taken off to rest their backs. After the march, they’d be fed again with hay, chaff and oats.”

Unfortunately, many horses today are not treated with such care – and Remus Horse Sanctuary continues to rescue, rehabilitate and care for animals that have been neglected and abused. Like Rosie the Shetland pony, who was forced to pull a cart while suffering with severe arthritis and laminitis and Blax, a horse that was kept in a muddy paddock with nowhere to shelter or lie down, and was walking on a fracture.

Like Joey, the horse in War Horse, who eventually returns to his farm with his loving owner, most of our animals have a happy ending, living out their days being loved and cared for – but there are many more who need our help…

You can read the full interview with Belinda, and find out more about the theatre production at:

To help us continue our work rescuing animals that have been neglected or abused, whether through negligence or intent, please make a donation online. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to: Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary, Little Farm, Buttsbury, Near Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9NZ, or credit card payments can be made over the telephone to a member of our team on tel: 01277 356191.

The Impact of the Autumn Budget on a Small Charity

Leading elderly horse welfare charity, Remus Horse Sanctuary, is planning numerous fundraising events leading up to Christmas, with something for everyone to enjoy.

However, commenting on the recent Budget announcements, Founder Sue Burton said: “We are massively concerned about the impact of the Labour budget. Already things were tough, and we are barely keeping our heads above water. Everyone’s costs are going up therefore we are seeing the knock-on effect in that our costs are rising also, and our donations dropping as people cope with less money in their pockets.

“With yet another increase in minimum pay and a hefty hike in National Insurance we are at our wits’ end as to how we will raise the money to cover this when our income is spiralling downwards. We can’t pass any costs on as we are not a business.”

The charity receives no government funding and relies solely on its own fundraising efforts. In light of the above and as the weather closes in, Sue Burton and her small team would very much appreciate your support at their future fundraising events:

Christmas Sales

Come and join us at Stock Village Hall on Sunday 10 November from 11am to 2pm, or at the Billericay Reading Rooms on Saturday 16 November from 9am to 4pm, where you’ll find lots of good saleable items, including homemade cakes and preserves, china, jewellery, books and bric-a-brac, all at bargain prices! Plus of course you can shop for Christmas Cards, Christmas Puddings and Christmas Gifts, including our new 2025 Wall Calendar.

Curry Lunches

Bring your family and friends along to the popular Nirvana Restaurant, 72 High Street, Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9DW for a delightful lunch with the team from Remus on Sunday 24 November and/or Sunday 22 December, at 2pm. £20 per person, non-refundable. Includes poppadoms and dip, main course, side dish, rice and bread. Booking is essential. Telephone 01277 356191.

Wreath Making Workshop

Create your own bespoke wreath this Christmas and make your neighbours green with envy at our first ever Wreath Making Workshop on Thursday 5 December with award-winning florist, Emma from Blooming Occasions. The workshop will take place at the Reading Rooms, 73 High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9AS at either 10am or 1.30pm. Book online at: to secure your place.

“The Chancellor has not considered the impact on small charities that are running on a small income. We have over 150 animals here, all of which have been rescued and all of which still need food, bedding, care and vets’ appointments which we can’t take away from them. Due to the economic situation, we are finding many more welfare cases and these all need dealing with as well.

Sue concluded: “More work. More costs and less money in – it just doesn’t add up.”

Remus Horse Sanctuary would very much appreciate your support at one of their fundraising events. Alternatively, a donation can be made online at:!.

Remus Horse Sanctuary Response to the Autumn Budget 2024

An update from our founder, Sue Burton, following yesterday’s Budget announcements:

“We are massively concerned about the impact of the Labour budget.

“Already things were tough and we are barely keeping our heads above water. Everyone’s costs are going up therefore we are seeing the knock-on effect in that our costs are rising also, and our donations dropping as people cope with less money in their pockets.

“With yet another increase in minimum pay and a hefty hike in National Insurance we are at our wits end as to how we will raise the money to cover this when our income is spiralling downwards. We can’t pass any costs on as we are not a business.

“The Chancellor has not considered the impact on small Sanctuaries that are running on a small income. We have over 150 animals here all of which have been rescued and all of which still need food, bedding, care and vets’ appointments which we can’t take away from them. Due to the economic situation, we are finding many more welfare cases and these all need dealing with as well.

“More work. More costs and less money in – it just doesn’t add up.”

If you are able, please make a contribution towards our escalating costs. And, as we always say, every little counts!

If you would prefer to donate over the telephone or via post, please contact the office on tel: 01277 356191, or make your cheques payable to Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary and send to: Little Farm, Buttsbury, Near Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 9NZ.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Postscript 1 November 2024: The NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations) has today circulated an open letter to the Chancellor, calling on her to take urgent action regarding the increased employer National Insurance contributions for charities, estimated to cost an increased £1.4b a year. By adding your name to that letter, you’ll help us make it clear how important this issue is. The more names, the more people will listen. Please sign and share the letter:

Christmas Shop Officially Open

Our Christmas Shop is now officially open, and we’d like to invite you to take a look at our new and unique items.

100% of the profits from our merchandise sales and online shop go directly to help the rescued animals here at Remus. Despite being based in Essex, we continue to help rescue animals across a wide geographical area.

And don’t forget our exclusive Christmas Cards and Christmas raffle!

Your purchase will help save lives.

Remus 2025 Calendar

2025 Wall Calendar

Visit Christmas Shop

Save the Date: GivingTuesday 2024

This year’s GivingTuesday will be taking place on Tuesday 3 December 2024 and it’s the day for giving back. So there’s plenty of time to start talking about, thinking about and discussing ways in which each of us can contribute to a better society.

GivingTuesday is one of the few days of the year when people are actively seeking ways to support causes close to their heart. So be part of something special the world over and get involved on 3 December 2024.

How you choose to participate in GivingTuesday is up to you! Here are a few ideas on how you can support Remus Horse Sanctuary:

  • Host your own fundraising event for Remus, whether it’s a coffee morning, a virtual bake-off, or a bring and buy sale – organise something within your local community to raise funds for animal welfare and help us ensure no animal is born to die.
  • Share our posts on social media with your friends and family to raise awareness of our vital welfare work.
  • Become a member of the Sanctuary and receive regular news and updates of the things we’re involved in.

In the meantime, you’ll find details of our events being held throughout the year and we look forward to seeing you soon!

If you would liketo support the important welfare work we do here at Remus Horse Sanctuary, you can make a donation online.

#GivingTuesday #GiveYourWay

Watch Your Horse’s Weight

Some simple checks to ensure your horse is dropping the pounds where necessary…

Horses, it seems, are just like people, and attempts to lose some weight and stay healthy can come to a halt.

We often have the opposite problem here at Remus Horse Sanctuary, as our rescues often come to us in very poor condition, and in need of adding on several kilos.

However, if you are struggling to keep your own animal at a healthy weight, especially after the summer when they’ve been snacking on all that lovely grass, here are some useful tips:

  • Up the energy: If horses are eating more calories than they are burning off they will gain weight. They either need to be ridden more, or their calorie intake needs to be reduced.
  • Review their diet plan: Horses eat a lot of grass in summer, which can affect their calorie intake. You can also check the nutritional content of hay and haylage that they consume. Choose a forage source that is low in protein, sugar and digestible energy, with more non-digestible fibre. You’ll find lots of feed advice on the Dengie website.
  • Use a supplement: If your horse has a forage-only diet, ensure they are getting a vitamin and mineral supplement. A balancer designed for good doers offers a low-calorie way to meet a horse’s daily vitamin and mineral requirements.
  • Get advice: If you are at all unsure about your horse’s diet or weight loss progress, seek advice from the nutrition experts at your feed company.

For more detailed advice on helping your horse achieve their healthy weight head to:

Although our Open Days have now finished for the 2024 season, we have lots of other fundraising events planned for the remainder of the year, including our new wreath making workshop in December, and would love to see you there!

Wellness Fair in aid of Remus Horse Sanctuary

As the weather and the days start to close in, Remus Horse Sanctuary will be hosting a delightful Wellness Fair on Sunday 13 October from 11am to 4pm at Stock Village Hall, near Ingatestone CM4 9NF.

During the day, visitors will be able to browse and buy from a range of stalls selling a wide variety of holistic and wellness products, plus jewellery, skincare, soaps, crystals, nutritional advice, and artwork. Stallholders will include the Maldon Soap Company, Buddhist Bubble, Soulful Creations and Lastone Stoneology to name just a few.

Additionally, visitors will be able to experience a range of treatments including reflexology, and readings from psychic and spiritualist mediums. Treatments can be booked on the day or in advance.

Essex Wildlife Trust will also be supporting the event and Remus Horse Sanctuary will be selling a range of merchandise including Christmas cards and the new Wall Calendar for 2025, as well as a variety of gifts and stocking fillers.

Entry is free. However, donations are welcomed on the door and a minimum of £5 per person is recommended. Light refreshments will be available throughout the day and plenty of free parking will be available at the village hall.

For further information about the event, please visit the website or contact Dee at or call 01277 356191.

Sadly we weren’t able to celebrate World Animal Day with you after all at our Open Day on Sunday – we had to cancel due to the onslaught of rain recently. The paddocks are just far too wet for visitors to park on. Please help us to raise funds for the animals in our care. Every single penny raised really makes a difference> World Animal Day Fundraiser
Thank you so much for your continued support, it’s greatly appreciated.

Celebrate World Animal Day at Remus Horse Sanctuary on Sunday 6 October 2024

Join the animals and humans for their last Open Day of the 2024 season and celebrate World Animal Day with them on Sunday 6 October from 1pm to 4pm.

World Animal Day, officially 4 October, has become a global celebration for all animals and the people who love and respect them. It’s known on every continent and celebrated in different ways in many countries, with no regard for nationality, religion or political ideology.

Founder of Remus Horse Sanctuary, Sue Burton says, “This year’s theme for World Animal Day is: ‘The world is their home too’ which we wholly support – sadly there are far too many people in the UK and around the world who forget this!

“At Remus we work tirelessly to care for our animals and raise awareness of animal welfare to ensure that no animal is born to die. We are proud to celebrate and support this global movement to raise the status of animals everywhere at our final Open Day of 2024.”

Visitors are welcome at the Sanctuary from 1pm to 4pm and can enjoy meeting over 100 animals and learn more about what the charity does and how it operates. There will also be a variety of activities for the whole family, such as walkabout entertainment, facepainting, live music, and many stalls to browse. Disney’s character Mickey Mouse will also be visiting during the afternoon!

Parking is available on-site, with disabled access, and dogs are welcome on a lead. Refreshments will be available, including afternoon tea by advance booking.

Entry is just £7 for adults and £5 for children, or £15 to include the Cream Tea, per person.

The Sanctuary provides rehabilitation and care for over 100 animals, including horses, ponies, donkeys, goats, sheep and cats, and has been doing so since it was founded in 1983.

Sue continued: “World Animal Day is a day for animal lovers worldwide. It exists to raise the status of animals everywhere and to improve the standards of their welfare around the globe. It’s a day to take action against animal cruelty, neglect and unfair treatment and aims to make the world a better place for all animals.

“We hope you will come and celebrate World Animal Day with us on Sunday 6 October.”

Tickets can be booked online via the website at

Your Business can Make a Sustainable Difference

Does your business want to help create a more sustainable and equitable world?

The ‘Good Thing’ website says that a recent study identified around 1.2 million desks and 1.6 million office chairs end up in landfill each year. The study couldn’t count the amount of IT equipment, branded merchandise, surplus products and other items that also go to landfill, but if it could, we’re pretty sure the number would be staggering!

To work towards a more sustainable world, we all need to work towards a circular economy – both in our personal and in our business lives. We’ve shared lots of ways in the past how you can help Remus with your personal recycling, so we’re excited to bring you this opportunity for your business too!

So we have signed up with ‘A Good Thing’ a not-for-profit organisation matching businesses who care, with amazing local charities – like Remus Horse Sanctuary!

It’s very simple process:

  • Business creates an offer
  • Offer emailed to local charities
  • Charities submit requests
  • Business selects a charity
  • Details exchanged
  • Charity picks up items (though we may need assistance with this)

What can be donated?

Anything from the business can be given to or shared with us, such as IT equipment, furniture, new products, food, meeting rooms… and much more. Please note, however, that the ‘Good Thing’ platform isn’t designed for volunteering or donating money. You can visit their website to find more information on their donated items policy.

Does it cost anything?

The app is completely free for charities to receive donations. It is also free to use for businesses to make small offers. For large offers (such as a complete office clear-out) ‘A Good Thing’ ask businesses for a small fee.

You can see here how the app works and how a business can donate items to a charity.

Who collects the items?

The expectation is that the charity will collect the items, but the business may offer to deliver if more convenient. ‘A Good Thing’ acts as a matchmaking service, they do not collect or deliver the items directly.

What regions does the service operate in?

The initial pilot was run in the Thames Valley area, but the service has now been expanded to the whole of the UK.

If you’re a business, sign up and start helping Remus Horse Sanctuary today!

And finally, don’t forget we’ll be hosting our last Open Day of the season on Sunday 6 Octobercome and join us and celebrate World Animal Day at the same time!


Join Our Team of Dedicated Volunteers!

Have you ever thought about volunteering? We’re always on the lookout for passionate individuals to join our amazing team. Whether you’re interested in working in the office, helping with the animals, assisting with maintenance, or even tackling some cleaning tasks, we’ve got a role for everyone. Your willingness to help, the ability to spare a few hours, and a flexible, team-oriented attitude are all you need to make a big difference here at Remus Horse Sanctuary.

If you’d like to become a volunteer, simply print and complete the forms provided below and return them to the Sanctuary. Once we receive your forms, we’ll notify you about our next Volunteer Induction. This Induction session is designed to introduce you to the Sanctuary, walk you through important Health & Safety information, and give you the opportunity to meet fellow volunteers. After attending the Induction, you can start volunteering as soon as you’re available.

We’ve just updated our list on the website, so please click on the link to view a list of our current volunteering opportunities.

And, if you would like to support the Sanctuary by volunteering, please complete an Application Form as mentioned above and return it to: Remus Horse Sanctuary, Little Farm, Buttsbury, Nr Ingatestone, Essex CM4 9NZ.

If you would like to learn more or view opportunities for children, please visit the Volunteer section of our website and also our Microvolunteering opportunities.

Our next Open Day celebrating World Animal Day will take place on Sunday 6 October.

We look forward to welcoming you!

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Remus Cry for Help
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