Autumn Update

We and the animals at Remus have thoroughly enjoyed our Open Days this year – and its desperately unfortunate that we’ve had to cancel our last Open Day of the 2017 Season due to the wet ground. Our animals are all doing very well and have been pleased to meet many of their Sponsors over the Summer. We are so grateful to everyone who sponsors our animals and directly help make a difference to the lives of these animals, and we thought you’d like to know how they’re all getting on!

APOLLO is best friends still with Clyde. Also friends with new horse Justin who is having a lot of trouble with his knee which has been quite swollen for some time now due to arthritic changes.

BERT GOAT is always cheeky and loves playing with Sid. We have managed to control his skin condition much better this year so he has been so much more comfortable.

BLOSSOM & AMBER love moving to their day field and eating all the grass and laying under their favourite tree for shade.

BORIS always appears at food time and eats so much food!! Less of a bully now.

BRACKEN loves playing with Jess and enjoys going out in the fields with the other horses.

CANDY is doing very well and is walking so much better since the laminitis flare-ups have been stopped by her special shoes and laminitic specific management.

CHARLIE 1 loves coming in for his breakfast and, despite being one of the oldest and smallest horses here, is always running around being the boss!

CHARLIE 2 enjoys playing with all his Shetland friends and still loves Dante.

CLYDE loves his life with Apollo and has been very accepting of Justin and allowed him to join him and Apollo.

COCO is still eating well and loves her herbs, especially cleavers. She loves to go out on the grass and enjoy her day.

COCO & WILLIAM remain inseparable, they love going out with all the other donkeys.

DAISY SHEEP has had a good year. She is always the first out to get to the food.

Remus DanteDANTE remains best friends with Charlie 2. It’s hard to believe he is the same pony that came in so desperately sick and close to death.

DAVEY loves Harvey and they have become the very best of friends.

DICKIE is very cheeky and always tries to get to the food!

DOLLY 1 is in love with Justin. She screams for him if he moves out of her sight. Sometimes when she goes out in the morning if Justin is out of sight in the field shelter she gets frantic searching for him!

DOLLY 2 is always at the gate asking for food. Has really settled in now and enjoys her life here.

DOLLY SHEEP still gives staff the runaround and won’t be caught!!

dylanDYLAN loves his food and the problem he had with his foot has now improved.

FOUR SHETLANDS (and Marmite) are all very healthy and often you can see them having a good gallop round the fields.

GRACE enjoys her Shiatsu sessions and loves having the time spent with her. She copes very well with her blindness and loves her new outdoor area.

HARVEY still loves his cuddles but really doesn’t like having his medication!! He loves anything that is edible and will bring things to us for attention.

HOLLY loves the company of people and loves her new outdoor area.

HOVIS remains very cheeky and very nosey!!

JESS is a great escape artist and can be very stubborn but that’s the mule in her!!

JET has been on long-term antibiotics but is feeling much better now.

JOEY still loves to play fight with Blue. It’s lovely to see them together in the field.

Remus LaceyLACEY still loves wandering the yard and the fields doing as she wants when she wants!!

MALIBU is getting on very well but is starting to get very stiff in her front legs.

MARCUS has been very healthy and enjoys his days out with his Shetland friends.

MINSTRAL enjoys being in her grass field and enjoying the nice weather.

MINTY still tries to pinch Scotty’s feed!!

NAPOLEON GOAT The entertainer continues to be cheeky, especially on Open Days!!

PEANUT loves playing with the wheel barrow when staff are clearing dung from the fields.

PEPPER demands when she wants her bed changed and when she wants feeding – she is a girl who knows what she wants and when!!

Remus PippaPIPPA is still the boss in her paddock. The lump in her neck is still there and sadly our vets cannot remove it because of where it is but she’s happy and enjoying herself.

PIPPIN & IVY are just so sweet and are always together and love being with each other.

ROWAN adores her baby despite how big she has become and won’t leave her side. Sheer devotion!

SCOTTY loves to pull faces at Minty and try to scare him off!

SID GOAT loves playing with the staff – but he can be very rough and often terrorises them!!!

SMOKEY enjoys coming in for his food!! He has been very healthy this year.

SPARKEY has had a good summer and is still that little pony who stands in the barn whinnying to anyone walking by.

STIX remains a cheeky and naughty ball of mischief!

TED loves his dinner and is always the first in!!

THOMAS won’t leave Toffee’s side but also loves Blax over the fence.

TOFFEE loves Thomas and won’t leave his side but she too is friendly with Blax over the fence.

Tony GoatTONY GOAT still loves meeting people and being made a fuss of.

TOSCA has had a lot of laminitis issues with his feet and now wears special shoes to try to help him.

WESLEY & SPENCER still love being the naughty boys of the field and love Hovis.

WILLOW is as adoring of her mum as mum is of her.

WINSTON is one of the naughty characters in the field and enjoys his life!

Once again, thank you for all your help and support! If you’d like to sponsor an animal, visit our webpage to find out more.

There is, as ever, much going on at Remus, from caring for and nursing the animals and keeping the fields and buildings in good repair, to all the fundraising work that goes on behind the scenes. If you would like to volunteer, you can find out more and complete the relevant application form here.

There is a terrible horse crisis in the country and we work hard trying to help and rescue as many as possible of those poor horses, ponies and donkeys caught up in the crisis.  There are thousands struggling out there and we are doing as much as we can to help as many as we can.

You can donate to Remus to help with our rescue efforts here.

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